Copy and paste the view-only link to share your notebook with people. If you want to only give a team member the ability to view a notebook but not edit it, select Create a view link.To share your OneNote notebook with a link: Sharing a notebook with a link is preferable if you’re sharing a notebook with a large group of people or if you don’t have everyone’s email address. This means that other notetakers can click on the link that you send them to view or edit your notebook. You can also share your notebook with team members via a link. Click Share once you’re ready to give team members access to your notebook.After you determine editing permissions, you have the option to include a personal message when you share a notebook with someone, though it’s not required.You can also give someone view-only access, meaning they can view the notes you take but they can’t add to or delete text in your notes. You can give the collaborator editing access, meaning they can delete or add new things to the notebook. Next, determine what type of access you want the person to have to the OneNote team notebook.If the team member is in the same work or organization as you, you can type in their name. Select Share with People if you want to share a OneNote notebook with a team member via email.

From here, there are a few ways that you can share your notebook.Click the File tab in the top left corner of OneNote.Select the notebook that you want to share.There are a few different ways that you can create a OneNote shared notebook. Collect, organize, and share your ideas in a digital notebook.